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Red Pizza Sauce recipe?
I'm looking for a good red sauce recipe. Also, how can I make the pizza dough stretch? When I try to spin the pizza in the air, the dough just rips, it does not stretch. Thank you.
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Pubblicato : 22/08/2004 23:09
For pizza red sauce you need fresh tomatoes. Put the tomatoes into hot water to peel them,If you don't like the seeds, remove them. after cut into the small pieces or squeeze the tomatoes with your hands. try to remove the juice in excess. Now the sauce is ready.
As for the problem with your pizza dough is too much difficult to answer what it the real cause. It depends on the type of flour you use,the fermentation, the temperature of the dough, the proportion of ingredients in your dough and so on.
Pubblicato : 31/08/2004 21:25