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Pizzafest 2005
Help please!
Firstly many apologies but my Italian is not what it ought to be, so please forgive me for posting in English.
I'm spending my honeymoon in Napoli and Amalfi (and Roma) in September this year. Have found lots of info on the web about Pizzafest 2004 but can't find anything about events for this year. Can anyone direct me to some details - like dates, venues etc? Or just some advice on the best places to go for the best pizza?????
We will be in Italia from 5th-17th but in Roma on12th-14th.
Any advice would be hugely appreciated.
Grazzi in anticipation
Paula and Ian
Topic starter
Pubblicato : 16/06/2005 14:31
Pizzafest 2005
8-18 settembre
Mostra d'Oltremare
Pubblicato : 16/06/2005 21:49