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Hi genius 🙂

Today i buy a couple of water buffalo and i found micro flora in toilet but my mom use domestos, and micro flora go to san. Peter 🙂
And my grandfather take my buffalo'es and go to slaughterhouse for meat well i must buy normal milk 😛
(I have good cow milk and micro flora)

About menu.
You mean that this old menu may be difficult to introduce it in Italy as well and in Poland too? hmm....maybe you're right. Well what menu will be good for me? Did you see my list of pizzas?
Can You make menu for me?

About farina.
ahaaaa....I always think, that pizza Napoletana has always been made with 100% Grano tenero. Thanx

Are You from Napoli Marco? What water You use to making pizza? And what is water in Napoli?
I ask because i test over 30 types of water and now i found best (i mean better) but testing next to find perfect water; but i don't know what water must be (what minerals).

Thanx for answer
Take care

Ps You and Teo are geniuses. You have big knowledge.

Topic starter Pubblicato : 18/04/2006 07:21
Membro Registered


You know that in Poland pizza without ketchup is not a pizza?
When i sell pizza i always say: i havn't ketchup because it is toxic!!!
And you know what they say? they say: "and so what???" must be, because pizza without a ketchup is not good, and havn't taste.
Polish pizza is like a braed or cake like "baba" (have 4cm!!!)
Polish know nothing about real pizza.
I ask one polish pizzaiolo what method use for making pizza; diretto or indiretto, and he tell me: "are you crazy? what is it. What you mean? Pizza is pizza from farina and lievito and sugar; and that's all" 🙂
Professionalists. Aren't they 🙂

I'm going sleep.

Topic starter Pubblicato : 18/04/2006 07:50
Membro Registered

about water...
if you don't  understand
I can traslate for you...
are you maniac ? 🙂
you make mozzarella, you test water ....
when are you time for make the pizza ??
about water .
must be about 6,7 ph
and hardness 20° french !!

Bye To

Pubblicato : 18/04/2006 08:02
Membro Registered

Hi Teo.

At first.
I think, that You don't believe me that i know pizza Napoletana and i'm maniac, but how i can persuade You?

You ask me when i have time to make the pizza, mozzarella and other.
I answer: all my day is hard work and learn. I open my pizzeria at 12.00 so, at morning i wake up, go to pizzeria and make dough (testing next water).
Next time a use mozzarella, and when come clients for pizza around 18.00 then i make pizza. That's all. When is weekend i don't watching TV. I work and learn, and reading posts on with dictionary.

As You see Teo a love this job.
And i must find time for my wife and kids. I know that this isn't easy, but i want do it.
When comes to me Italian people from Hotel Polski, they say: "mamma mia!!!, oh my goodnes, it is better like in Italia!!!"
Well....believe me Teo. Maybe I am crazy, but i love it; people from West Europe (Italii, Germany, England, France ecc) like me and my kitchen because i try to serve originally food. Price of this food is high, but it is no "like plastic" food.
Few poeple tell me: "take microwave" and do fast pizza but i tell "no, maybe i never will be rich, by i always make good original pizza, piatti, dessers ecc.

Thanx Teo if You understand my passion.
This is what i want and love: knowledge.
And i Please You; help me because You (and other guys) have knowlegde.

About water.
Water must be 6,7pH. Yes but fresh water and mineral water have 7-8pH.
When water stay opened, pH go to around 6,5-6,7, because co2 in air working.
Is posibility go to 6pH by add some citric acid, but i don't do it.
hardness 20° french. Yes. This is true. I know it.
But i ask You what water is in Napoli (used to making pizza dough)?
Napoli pizzaioli use mineral water?

if You may - translate me Your text please:
Beniamino some time ago translate me it, but i lost this document 🙁

Ps. Making mozzarella, and testing water is not all.
I learn pizza acrobatica too 🙂
And it's nice and fine. I like It.

Thanx and bye

Topic starter Pubblicato : 18/04/2006 22:37
Membro Registered

Hi Teo.

At first.
I think, that You don't believe me that i know pizza Napoletana and i'm maniac, but how i can persuade You?

You ask me when i have time to make the pizza, mozzarella and other.
I answer: all my day is hard work and learn. I open my pizzeria at 12.00 so, at morning i wake up, go to pizzeria and make dough (testing next water).
Next time a use mozzarella, and when come clients for pizza around 18.00 then i make pizza. That's all. When is weekend i don't watching TV. I work and learn, and reading posts on with dictionary.

As You see Teo a love this job.
And i must find time for my wife and kids. I know that this isn't easy, but i want do it.
When comes to me Italian people from Hotel Polski, they say: "mamma mia!!!, oh my goodnes, it is better like in Italia!!!"
Well....believe me Teo. Maybe I am crazy, but i love it; people from West Europe (Italii, Germany, England, France ecc) like me and my kitchen because i try to serve originally food. Price of this food is high, but it is no "like plastic" food.
Few poeple tell me: "take microwave" and do fast pizza but i tell "no, maybe i never will be rich, by i always make good original pizza, piatti, dessers ecc.

Thanx Teo if You understand my passion.
This is what i want and love: knowledge.
And i Please You; help me because You (and other guys) have knowlegde.

About water.
Water must be 6,7pH. Yes but fresh water and mineral water have 7-8pH.
When water stay opened, pH go to around 6,5-6,7, because co2 in air working.
Is posibility go to 6pH by add some citric acid, but i don't do it.
hardness 20° french. Yes. This is true. I know it.
But i ask You what water is in Napoli (used to making pizza dough)?
Napoli pizzaioli use mineral water?

if You may - translate me Your text please:
Beniamino some time ago translate me it, but i lost this document 🙁

Ps. Making mozzarella, and testing water is not all.
I learn pizza acrobatica too 🙂
And it's nice and fine. I like It.

Thanx and bye

Topic starter Pubblicato : 18/04/2006 22:40
Membro Registered

Yes, I believe you !!
but if you want make the pizza..... Do you want some advice? You don't load too much else you have one's work cut out !!
Are you maniac ?? Yes !!
Great !! :))
about this answer:

But i ask You what water is in Napoli (used to making pizza dough)?
Only drinking water of tap!!
According to the certification of the Neapolitan pizza verace the water must be medium hard water with ph 6,7 and one hardness of 20° French.
Napoli pizzaioli use mineral water?
No.Only drinking water of tap!!

bye Teo

Pubblicato : 19/04/2006 03:04
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