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Topic starter Pubblicato : 15/04/2006 08:53
Membro Registered

...and i'm looking for web sites of other antica pizzerias.
Please help me.

Topic starter Pubblicato : 15/04/2006 08:55
Membro Registered

I think that Pizzeria Port'Alba haven't got
the web Brandi.....but I know that Porta Alba is the most ancient Pizzerie than Naple which opened in 1830!!
Maybe it could have been the first true pizzeria in the world and today it is still in the business at Via Port'Alba 18 in Naple.

bye Teo

Pubblicato : 15/04/2006 18:27
Membro Registered

Thanx Teo.

You know...I'm looking for antica pizzeria's of Napoli, because i want to look for its menu.
I can't find all oldest traditional names of the pizzas like Marinara, Margherita ecc.

BTW. You are my idol, because You know all about old, traditional pizza (and chemistry of pizza)

Sorry for my english 🙁

Topic starter Pubblicato : 16/04/2006 06:18
Membro Registered

This is what a have:
(Tell me please what You think about this listing. Are this pizza's traditional?)

Red pizzas:

1. Marinara (pomodoro, origano, aglio)
2. Margherita (pomodoro, mozzarella, basilico)
3. Napoletana (pomodoro, mozzarella, acciughe, capperi)
4. Capricciosa (pomodoro, mozzarella, olive, prosciutto cotto, funghi)
5. Quattro stagioni (pomodoro, mozzarella, funghi, prosciutto cotto, capperi)
6. Mais (pomodoro, mozzarella, mais, prosciutto cotto, funghi, basilico) [is it traditional pizza?]
7. Diavola (pomodoro, mozzarella, salame, peperoncino)
8. Pugliese (pomodoro, mozzarella, cipolla)
9. Prosciutto (pomodoro, mozzarella, prosciutto cotto, basilico)
10. Tonno (pomodoro, mozzarella, tonno)
11. Pescatora (pomodoro, frutti di mare, aglio, origano, basilico)
12. Mare e monti (pomodoro, funghi, frutti di mare, origano)
13. Tonno e cipolla (pomodoro, mozzarella, tonno, cipolla)
14. Funghi (pomodoro, mozzarella, funghi, origano)
15. Quattro Formaggi (pomodoro, mozzarella, gorgonzola, grana,  fontina)         
16. Napoletana (pomodoro, mozzarella, acciughe, capperi)
17. Salmone (pomodoro, mozzarella, salmone)
18. Braccio di Ferro (pomodoro, mozzarella, spinaci)
19. Gamberetti (pomodoro, gamberetti, aglio, prezzemolo)
20. Regina (pomodoro fresco, mozzarella, basilico)
21. Gorgonzola (pomodoro, gorgonzola, pepe nero)
22. Calzone classico (pomodoro, mozzarella, funghi, prosciutto cotto, origano)
23. Calzone Vesuvio (pomodoro, mozzarella, salame, peperoncino)
24. Calzone Vecchia Napoli (pomodoro, mozzarella, prosciutto, ricotta, salame)
25. Fantasia del Pizzaiolo

White pizzas:

1. Fume' (mozzarella, formaggio affumicato, pancetta affumicata, funghi, basilico)
2. Bella Roma (mozzarella, pancetta, fontina, basilico)
3. Paesana (mozzarella, peperone, prosciutto cotto, origano)
4. Porcini (mozzarella, porcini, basilico)
5. Biancaneve (mozzarella)

Pizza dessert:

1. Pizza alla nutella (nutella, noci)
2. Pizza alle mele (mele, cannella, zucchero)
3. Pizza Ragusana (ricotta, zucchero, cannella, scaglie di cioccolato)

Do You know another white pizza's? If yes please write me it.

I tell You why am i looking for original name's of pizzas with ingredients.
I am owner of pizzeria-ristorante in Poland.
I making pizza in electric oven, but now i want to change it to forno a legna.
I'm interesting of real napoletana pizza sience 4 years and i love it.
I'm reading and learning about it; I testing chemical ingredients ecc.
I am maniac 🙂
but in Poland no one know something about real pizza, so i'am myself.
I have only 1 friend name Beniamino who helping mi because hi know Italian language, and he is a italian cuoco, but he can't answer me for my questions like: how max. much must be mg/L calcium in water ecc.
(My experience tell me, that must be not equal that 5-60 mg/l)

You know Teo.
I'm tired, because I want knowledge, but I don't speak in Italian language 🙁

But now i'm happy, that You know english, and that You answer me.
Big THANX Teo.

Topic starter Pubblicato : 16/04/2006 08:38
Membro Registered

Not at all.....
I feel exited and embarrased!! 🙂
You find in the forum "mastunicola" pizza (with basil) and "cecinelli" pizza....they are same ancient names of pizza.
Where are you from ??

bye Teo

Pubblicato : 16/04/2006 08:49
Membro Registered

Ok.... ok
I understand..... you are finding the names of traditional pizza and you aren't finding ancient names of pizza !!
I thing that this listing is popular menu of pizza. This listing is the same as you could find in the italian classic pizzeria. It's nice menù for to be a menù that it comes from Poland....!
You find in the forum white pizzas..... you'll put inside string this words:
'pizza bianca' or 'pizze bianche' ;
you are from Poland you know polish method ??

Good luck and Happy Easter!

bye Teo

Pubblicato : 16/04/2006 17:36
Membro Registered

Hi Teo

at first: Why feel You exited and embarrased??? 🙂

Where am I from ??
I am from Poland, provincia: Podkarpackie, City: Mielec (population 68.000)
"Polish" method is from Poland???? wow
I know polish method, but Polish "farina" is very bad. I thing that our farina have W=180-200 (max) and is too wet and not matured.

Why are You asking me where am i from? Are You from Poland too or do you know any polish? 🙂

BTW. "polish" method in Poland are mostly to making bread. If You want, i can translate all polish "polish method's" to italian language.

Happy Easter too

Topic starter Pubblicato : 16/04/2006 21:37
Membro Registered

...and i can send to You some KGs of polish farina to test real polish methods but effects will not good for pizza. As i wrote, it's better to bread.

First pizza (i mean pseudo pizza) was eaten in Poland when Italian queen "Bona Sforza" married polish king "Zygmunt Stary" in XVI century!!! This white pizza was made with cheese and meat without tomatoes. It was polish accent: White cheese and red meat because polish flag is white and red. Something like Margherita: green, white and red 🙂 but this tradition dead and Poland never to foster it 🙁

Topic starter Pubblicato : 16/04/2006 22:58
Membro Registered

Thank you....
but I haven't  free time for testing flour....if had had time....
I will test all a bit of everything because I'm fond of pizza, bread, cake, biscuits and ferment!!
Do you know that I dont learn the italian queen Bona Sforza was married with polish king certainly I can't know everything.....polish history of pizza....... It's great !
I like better the polish method. I think is the best method for pizza and bread if you will use a strong appropriate flour...
I'm tired I need is good sleep!!
See you soon


Pubblicato : 17/04/2006 08:22
Membro Registered

Hi Teo.

I`ve supplication to you.

1. Do You know how to make mozzarella?
Do you know any ancient recipe?
If You have it please tell me. It can by in italian language.
Maybe You know any web site about it?

2. To make pizza i use farina from DIVELLA (BA); tipo "00" S;W=280.
What You thinking about this farina? Is it good? I know that this farina is only for "diretto" method.

3. Is true that Italii have not own farina? One man from DIVELLA tell me, that all Italian farina is from Arizona USA? I disbelieve it.

Thanx Teo, that You talking with me. I was honoured.

Topic starter Pubblicato : 17/04/2006 19:32
Membro Registered

I dont know the recipe and I dont think that you can't make
mozzarella if any means (raw materials, macchineries) and knowledge about mozzarella......
Look here:

Divella flour is good for italian pasta....

Look this........ then inside -->click on the right for english version...

maybe is this?

Bye Teo

Pubblicato : 17/04/2006 21:09
Membro Registered

Hi Nelson,

Do you know that the Poolish method was adopted in Naples much earlier then people can think of? In fact the Rum Baba (also known as Savarin/ Babka) arrived in Naples during the French domination by Gioacchino Murat (Napoleon's brother in law) and it was (and still is) made with the poolish method. The Baba/Savarin arrived in France much earlier when the deposed King of Poland, Stanislas Leszczynska, went in exile in France (just talking about history). Rum Baba became one of the most traditional Neapolitan cakes thereafter.

Talking about your research on pizza menu, I can assure you that Port'Alba doesn't have that traditional Menu that you think of. The two pizza mentioned by Teo, even if indeed ancient, are not really advertised on many menu. What is more, there is much disagreement on what really was used at the time as cheese and in what form. I believe is better for you to stick with a more modern listing, probably just reducing the total number of offering.

Italian growth wheat and flour it is still produced but indeed it is almost always mixed with foreign imported grains, mainly from Canada, but also Russia, East Europe and other colder climates.

On the mozzarella subject, you are better off researching on the many American websites that cover the subject. Are you aware that many American pizza operator make their own Mozzarella (Fior di Latte)? The traditional method is to use calves or kid (goat) rennet, but some people use other form of coagulants, as for example lemon or vinegar. I am not sure that the effort will be worth the benefit thought...

Take care

Pubblicato : 17/04/2006 21:14
Membro Registered


I use now this farina:

About mozzarella:
I making mozzarella at home sience january 2006 using this recipe:
and my mozza is good, but i don't know is it good old recipe?
I have a some problems with pH to "Working" or "Stringing" the curd, but taste is very good. I am fanatic of real pizza, and i wanna learning, and testing, and learning and testing more 🙂
I have good rennet (power: 150.000) from France and use citric acid (lemon friut juice)

To Marco.
You tell about "baba" or "babka". In polish lang. "baba" is grandmother or old woman, because our grandmother are masters of making bread, cakes ecc.
Baba is a cake with much "lievito di birra" and sugar.
I don't know history of "polish method" and "baba" so good. Maybe baba go to Poland from Napoli. maybe...
And this is old recipe of polish "baba":

"...Port'Alba doesn't have that traditional Menu that you think of???..."
Well. Which pizzeria has a traditional menu and where i can find it and which pizza's may by accept in Poland?

To Teo and Marco.
Divella's man tell me, that from Bari and Napoli to Sicilia (all south of Italii) pizza is making from 2 farina's: grano tenero (60%) and semolina (40%). It is not true!!! isn't it? Answer me please.
I look now in "Pizza Napoletana STG" and nothing see like that.

Take care pizzaioli
ciao and big thanx

Ps. Sorry for my english 🙁
I suppose that You understand me.
I must learn English and Italian too.

Ps 2. Poland always love Italii - History tell about this.

Topic starter Pubblicato : 17/04/2006 22:34
Membro Registered

Hi Nelson,

About Mozzarella: To make authentic mozzarella you should start by importing a couple of water buffalo (Bufala bufalis), and the micro flora starter that help the taste ;-). The other option would be to make authentic fior di latte by using the milk of the Agerolese and Podolica cows :-p.

The legend goes that The King of Poland was a fanatic of Ali Baba history and therefore when a cake was made to his liking, he decided to call it Baba. It definitely got to Naples from Poland via France and not vice versa. The use of the Poolish technique in its making is a further proof.  It is a brioche like dough but made with the poolish technique. Also the poolish technique was introduced in Paris by Polish bakers and adopted to make baguettes. In Naples however the Baba has slightly changed form and procedures and has a different texture then the French Savarin or the rest of the world babas.

To me a traditional menu would be made of 10-12 pizza. I reckon that would be difficult to introduce such a menu in other part of the world as well as it seams difficult to introduce it in Italy as well.

About the flours:

It depends of what type of product you are talking about. Pizza Napoletana has always been made with 100% Grano tenero. Other type of  "so called"pizza inspired by the Neapolitan version (round and baked in a wood oven) are also usually made with 100% Grano tenero.
However, as far as I know, due to the influence of Semolina (semola rimacinata) in region like Apulia and Sicily, focaccias and stiacciata/schiacciata made in these 2 regions are often made with 100% semolina or a mix of both grain. I assume that round versions inspired by the Neapolitan one, are also made by a mix of both flours in these two regions.

Take care

Pubblicato : 17/04/2006 23:41
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