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riconoscente Nelson

Membro Registered

[La domanda è autoesplicativa]

Topic starter Pubblicato : 23/04/2006 19:38
Membro Registered

Hi Nelson,
just write it down on the Forum!
I´m sure a lot of people will try and appreciate it.
Djenkuje bardzo dla polskie Chleb!

Pubblicato : 24/04/2006 01:35
Membro Registered


La ricetta la sto preparando
Prossimamente la metto nel forum pero' prima la devo tradurre in italiano o inglese

Se potete fare le domande in inglese,visto che l'italiano non lo conosco e devo sempre cercare qualcuno che mi aiuti nella traduzione

Saluti Nelson

PS. To Merlino

oooooo 🙂

Czesc Merlino.
Your polish lang. is good 🙂
Do You know any polish man (or woman)?
Can You translate to Italian from Polish?

Cześć Mariano.
Twój polski jezyk jest dobry.
Znasz jakis Polak?
Ty możesz tłumaczyć z polski język na "Italia" język?
(Ja teraz pisze łatwy jezyk, że Ty możesz rozumieć)

Topic starter Pubblicato : 24/04/2006 02:16
Membro Registered

Drugi Nelson,
mwoj polski jezyk jest za malo, nie dobry. Ja nie muwiem po polsku y rozumiem tesz nie.
Nie mozem tlumaczyc z polski na wloski, za trudno, ja sczifsko zaponialam.
Znaszelam jedna polska jefdzina, bardzo ladna polska jefdzina.
And that´s all!!!
I think it´s better to choose another language to talk each other.

Pubblicato : 24/04/2006 07:50
Membro Registered

Hi Merlino.

I think, that You sad right 🙂
Talking in english is better, but your polish is not bad. I think, that You must more thinking about polish girls to improve You polish language 🙂
Best to learn is bed 🙂
And talk "dziewczyna" instead of "jefdzina" 🙂

My recipe of polish bread is translating now.
It may take some days, because Beniamino (translator) is in U.K., and he havn't time now, but tell me that he will do it.

Ciao and learn polish 🙂

ps. What is writed below:
"Kocham włoską pizzę. Mam nadzieje, że jestem dobry w jej pieczeniu i że jest taka sama jak w Neapolu" 🙂

Topic starter Pubblicato : 24/04/2006 22:50
Membro Registered

Thank you, Nelson
But I don´t have anymore ambitions about polish language and polish girls (I´m married). About 15 years ago I spent really wonderful time in Poland and I save beautiful meanings of that. Oh God, I was so young. Actually I think that the bed is the best place to sleep!!!
Take your time with the receipe.
About what you write it should be you love italian Pizza, you have a restaurant, you are a good pizzamaker and you have been in Neapel isn´t it?
Where do you live in Poland?
Bye, Merlino

Pubblicato : 25/04/2006 20:57
Membro Registered

Hi Merlino.

I never been in Napoli 🙁
I want to go to Napoli as quickly as i can.
I practise "Pizza Napoletana" and "Italiana" few years, but i wanna go to Napoli to improve my knowledge.

In Poland i live in Mielec city. Wojewodztwo podkarpacie.
This is city about 68.000 population.
I'm 29 old.

And where are You living in Italia?
Bye, Nelson

ps. Write me on my mail if You want: (sometimes not working; I don't know why) or

Topic starter Pubblicato : 25/04/2006 22:41
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