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Hey there

Membro Registered

Hello all,

Hope some of you my friends understand english a bit.
Unfortunately I do not speak your language very well. I do speak a bit but not enough for this forum.
Well, I am stationing in Naples (Qualiano) for 1 year. I came to learn how to prepare the best pizza in the world. Unfortunately I haven`t got the right place to learn that is why I am writing to find someone who could teach me. I already signed up for a pizza school on this site, but no answer so far.
Can anyone help me?
Details about me after contact
Thanks in advance
my mail address is


Topic starter Pubblicato : 15/11/2004 05:50
Membro Registered

Hi Richard

Yes I can understand english a bit... actually whilst living in London for the past 5 years and more, I think to have got the hung at speaking it  already ;-).

Where are you from?
I am Neapolitan, but living in london. I was recently in US where I have met a guy who apparently worked for Mattozzi in Piazza Caritá (Napoli). He told me that that was the only pizzeria where the staff could speak some english. Give it a try..


Pubblicato : 16/11/2004 09:21
Membro Registered

try this site and I cut and past inot sorat helps for me!!!

Pubblicato : 20/11/2004 05:00
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