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Topic starter Pubblicato : 26/08/2007 19:29
Membro Registered

hi man...
Of course A wood burning oven is the better solution to do a good pizza.the recipt i can give u is very simple but it is the traditional one.
For one kilo of floor 600 of water, 50gr of salt for one kilo of floor, and "Lievito di birra" a 10/15 gr.

1) Put  water and the all the salt together and mix them.
2) you put 3/4 floor and mix....
3) then lievito and mix with the rest of the floor

when u will see that your hands don't remain attached on the floor it means that "massa" is ready.

then u have to make the "balls". The weiht of them must be in my opinion 250/ 300 gr each one.
after you put the balls somewhere you have to cover them with an humid blanket or some plastic material.
Wait until balls have grown as much as they are doble in dimension.
Now you can start to use the balls to make pizza..

fot tomato you must use "peled tomato"...U can smash them but not too much... smash them but not make them too much liquid.  then u put inside a bit of salt. Better if u don't put olive oil in the tomato souce.
U can add a bit of olive oil when u have withdrawn your pizza from the oven.

OVEN: a vood burning oven generally has got 450° temperature. And a real napoletan pizza is cooked in 2 minutes. But if u have a different oven u must understund which the best solution on the base of caracteristics of your oven.

Let me know.



Pubblicato : 27/08/2007 07:12
Membro Registered

P.S. AFTER u made the balls ...u can make them grow up in the fridge. and u take them off 1 ore before u use them.

Pubblicato : 27/08/2007 07:16
Membro Registered

Hi Tomdef, I speak english well because I have lived in NY for almost 41 years. So if you need something translated please let me know as long as it is not too long.  I am trying to build a small oven for my backyard, the wood burning oven really makes a big difference if you want to make a truly authentic neapolitan pizza. Let me know when you are ready to build one because I have some plans or you can download them from the internet.
I thought that in belgium you would  speak either french or flemish.  Ciao

Pubblicato : 27/08/2007 09:47
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